Something I am slowly learning, is the importance of being myself. It is inevitable that there is always going to be someone who doesn’t like you, someone who doesn’t agree with how you live your life, and someone who just has something to say about you. However, as sad as this is, it is simply part of life. Some people seem to like having something to say about other people, whether it be about your personality, appearance, or life choices, and usually, it isn’t the nicest comment. I am beginning to learn that I don’t need to be liked by everyone or appease everyone I meet, because this would only mean one thing, that I am not being true to myself. One of the most important things I believe you can be as an individual, is your unique self. Enjoy time with those who care about you. It sounds depressing, but life is short. It is definitely way too short to be trying to impress other people, especially those who don’t like what I represent. Instead of wasting time trying to get those who dislike me to like me, I believe, it is much better to spend that time and energy on the people who do like and care for me, and who are my true friends. If someone doesn’t like who I am, I probably don’t need them in my life, and if getting them to like me means changing who I am, we probably aren’t meant to be friends. Not everyone needs to like you.
When I was younger, I wanted to be liked by everyone. I hated the feeling of having someone say something bad about me, as I’m sure most people do. I spent so much time trying to please others and gain their approval. This is still a trait that I possess today, as I never want to do wrong or let people down, but sometimes, I have to remind myself to stop worrying about it, because it’s exhausting. Whilst I may spend hours worrying if I said the right thing to that person or did the right for someone else, chances are they have forgotten what I said immediately. Other people don’t waste their time worrying about what I said to them, so why do I spend so much time worrying about what came out of my mouth? If a talkative person, who sometimes speaks before they have processed what they are saying, is who I am, as long as I don’t cause harm to anyone else, that’s fine. I should embrace who I am rather than beat myself up, and I shouldn’t feel the need to gain the approval of every soul I meet. Importance of being yourself. There will always be someone who does not like me, doesn’t agree with what I do, or just has something to say, but I am learning to let this go. The path I choose to follow in life, however “abnormal” it may seem to others, is up to me. It is important for me to learn to let this go because it only makes me question my decisions, when I don’t question those of others. We all have different personalities and ambitions in life, so we are all going to want different things, thus, we aren’t always going to understand why some people do what they do. Ultimately, we are the ones who need to be able to live with ourselves and who we are. So, if I spend time trying to become someone else, someone who I probably don’t want to be, just to please someone else, I am only going to be letting myself down. If someone doesn’t like me, that is their problem not mine. As long as I am happy with the individual I am and go to sleep each night feeling as though I’ve been true to myself, then that is all that matters. Why try to be someone else when we can be our own unique selves?
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Hannah IrwinI love to run and I love to write, so I write about running! Archives
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